Color Corps
Purpose of the Color Corps
When knighthood was in flower, knights carried the sword to defend their God, their Church, their country and their fellow man according to the code of chivalry. Today, Sir Knights wear regalia and carry the sword to honor Christ and His apostles, especially on religious and civic occasions specified in this manual. Hence, the primary purpose of the Fourth Degree is to encourage active Catholic citizenship and foster the spirit of patriotism in members and the community at large.
The Color Corps members exemplify all the principles of our Order:
- Charity – by the gift of their time and energies necessary to practice, perfect and perform the ceremonials and sword drill;
- Unity – by the united efforts of Sir Knights to practice and perfect a coordinated drill for the good of the Church and the Order;
- Fraternity – by expressing an “Esprit de Corps,” sharing a common desire for drill excellence and camaraderie; and
- Patriotism – by performing precision drill as a salute to God and to country and visually exhibiting a love for both.
The public appearance of Fourth Degree Knights as a Color Corps at religious and civic functions is an important activity of each assembly. By these public demonstrations, their loyalty and patriotism bring credit to themselves and to the Knights of Columbus.
Michigan State Convention
LMay 25, 2018 Living Rosary Launch
Wreaths Across America
Basilica of St. Anne
This photo was taken at the Mass of Thanksgiving at the Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit on September 20, 2020. Archbishop Alan Vigneron presided. This photo is from the Detroit Catholic website, Valaurian Waller photographer (I credit these on my websites as © Valaurian Waller | Detroit Catholic, 2020, all rights reserved: